West Ranch Baseball Facility- Over The Years
Always A Source of Pride and Joy for The WR Baseball Family

Remember When?

The Wildcat baseball facility is a constant work in progress. It has been a fun journey watching the property transform from rolling hills with nothing but brush and wildlife, to a beautiful place to play baseball. You can find our facility carved out of a mountain behind the West Ranch campus. The backdrop for the hitter is a beautiful view of the Santa Clarita Valley and Magic Mountain theme park. The facility is constantly under construction and improvements happen
almost on a weekly basis. We are pleased with the facility that has been created with the help of so many people. We will never be satisfied with the facility as we will always strive to give the players a place to develop their baseball skills. The baseball program will strive to supply it's players with the best equipment available. Safety will always be an important part of our field improvement plan. If you can help us with time, money, supplies, or expertise, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you enjoy our contribution to the baseball community. What will we see here at the Ranch in 10 years?

Do you remember the day when this was the norm for our parents watching our games?